Fundamentals Of Brewing Coffee Anirudha Kadam, As an Indian the only beverage I knew was Tea. Coffee was limited to me until Ready to brew sachets. However, the scenario changed when I completed my hotel management degree and was being hired by a big multinational coffee giant. I used to not like drinking black coffee at first but since it was related to my work now, I had no choice. The first sip is always the most rancorous of all. Slowly, my palate started developing flavours for coffee. Now all I drink is black coffee to stay energetic and awake. During this period I have learnt that coffee is a growing subject and creating awareness about it is the need of the hour. The Fairtrade Practise, Farmer-Customer Engagement are some of the topics which need to be covered and the awareness needs to be spread amongst our general audiences. Major Difference which people experience while brewing the same coffee at home is that they do not get the same ta...
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